Our Difference

Our world-class team creates an elite experience from beginning to end.

Elevated Care Designed For You

Your smile is our inspiration. As part of the top 2% of dental practices nationwide, we curate an environment that embraces total wellness. Sink into premium seating with Tempur-Pedic pillows, breathe deeply with Bose headphones, and let go. Every detail—from concierge-level comforts to gourmet refreshments—reflects our unwavering commitment to you. With Dr. Elona’s 25 years of expertise, your smile transformation becomes a work of art. It's our signature touch.

Dr. Elona of Inspire Smiles with patient

The Art of Relaxation

Soothe, Relax, and Enjoy

TVs and Headphones

Watch Netflix with noise-cancelling Bose headphones.

Italian Leather Ergonomic Chairs

For your maximum comfort throughout your treatment.

Beverage Station

With Nespresso coffees, snacks, plant-based protein shakes, dark chocolate treats, bottled waters, and Perrier.

Blankets, Neck Pillows, and Warm Face Towels

With essential oils, aromatherapy diffusers, and more.

iPads for Easy Check-in

Low wait times and no outdated paper forms needed.

Essential Oil Remedies

For jaw discomfort after treatment.

An Elite Experience

Innovative Technology for Exceptional Care

iTero Digital Impression Scanning

Say goodbye to messy, uncomfortable traditional molds. Our iTero scanner delivers precise 3D digital models of your teeth in minutes. This cutting-edge technology crafts custom-fit restorations while offering you a preview of your future smile—combining precision with ease.

Digital X-Rays

Experience safer, faster, and more detailed imaging with our digital X-rays. They reduce radiation exposure up to 90% compared to traditional X-rays while providing instant, high-resolution images for more accurate diagnoses and treatment planning.

Laser Hygiene Treatment

Reimagine your dental cleanings with our state-of-the-art laser technology. This gentle, pain-free treatment removes bacteria and revitalizes your gums for a healthier, more radiant smile.

Laser Periodontal Treatment

Our advanced laser solutions provide a minimally invasive approach to treating gum disease. With precision targeting of infected tissue and enhanced healing, this innovative treatment ensures quicker recovery and superior results.

Electric Handpieces

Enjoy quiet, smooth, and seamless procedures with our advanced electric handpieces. Designed for precision and comfort, they reduce noise and vibration, transforming your dental visits into calm and relaxing experiences.

patient of Dr. Elona at Inspire Smiles
patient of Dr. Elona at Inspire Smiles
AirFlow Prophylaxis Master

Step into a new era of dental care with the AIRFLOW® Prophylaxis Master – designed to give you a gentler, more effective cleaning. This Swiss-made innovation, trusted worldwide since 1981, is crafted to remove biofilm, stains, and early buildup effortlessly, leaving your teeth polished and refreshed.

Your health is our top priority, and early detection saves lives. That’s why we offer the ViziLite PRO Oral Cancer Detection light—a quick, painless screening designed to catch early signs of oral cancer or abnormalities that might go unnoticed. Using advanced blue light technology, this exam helps us see changes in your tissue before they become visible to the eye.

Digital Caries Detection

Protect your smile with early cavity detection. Our advanced digital caries system identifies decay at the earliest stages, preserving more of your natural tooth structure and ensuring proactive, preventive care.

Professional Photography for Smile Design

Craft your dream smile with a personalized experienced tailored to bring out your best, from the first consultation to your final reveal. Through high-resolution dental photography and careful planning, Dr. Elona guides you step by step, ensuring that every detail of your smile makeover aligns with your vision.

Advanced AI Diagnostics

Experience unprecedented diagnostic precision through our integration of Pearl AI technology. This sophisticated artificial intelligence system analyzes your dental images with remarkable accuracy, detecting subtle variations that could be missed by the human eye alone. By combining Dr. Elona's 25 years of expertise with this revolutionary technology, we ensure nothing is overlooked in your comprehensive care plan.

Personalized Oral Microbiome Analysis

Discover your unique oral ecosystem through advanced OralDNA testing. This elite diagnostic service analyzes your saliva's molecular composition, allowing Dr. Elona to craft bespoke treatment protocols and custom-formulated supplements specifically for your biology. This precise, personalized approach ensures your treatment plan is as unique as you are.

L-PRF Advanced Healing Therapy

Experience enhanced healing with Leukocyte and Platelet-Rich Fibrin (L-PRF) therapy. This sophisticated technique utilizes your body's own healing factors to accelerate tissue regeneration and optimize surgical outcomes. Dr. Elona harnesses this advanced biological technology to ensure superior results and faster recovery times for her signature smile transformations.

Dr. Elona of Inspire Smiles

"What I got was education,

hope, and a plan of action."

Taylor M.

Inspire Changes by Dr. Elona

Empowering Women on the Road to Recovery

As a woman-owned practice, Dr. Elona leads Inspire Changes, a non-profit dedicated to raising awareness and providing life-changing smile rehabilitation for survivors of trafficking in San Diego. Through compassionate dental care, we help restore confidence, dignity, and hope—empowering women to rediscover their worth and step into the lives they were created to lead.

Partnering with specialized rehabilitation programs, we work to break the cycle of exploitation in our community. To date, we’ve provided nearly $1 million in dental services, giving survivors the tools to pursue fulfilling, purpose-driven futures.


Dr Elona of Inspire Smiles

Elevate Your Confidence
with Elite Care