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Transforming The Experience of Dentistry Since 2000

Mary's Story

Mary's Story

Creating Transformation Together

Last week we celebrated Mother’s Day - it is SUCH a beautiful holiday! Motherhood is much more than physically giving birth to children. I hope you agree with my Reflection on Motherhood from last week ! 😊 I believe the contact can uplift and encourage ALL women!

I see myself as a community leader called to make a difference for women. We do that as a practice by giving back to our local community through smile rehabilitation of trafficking survivors in San Diego. That is at the heart of Inspire Changes - the non profit we founded to support that effort.

This smile (see attached photo) is a true inspiration and is a truly transformational story.

**Warning: the following content may be upsetting**

Mary was trapped in trafficking, abused, neglected and deeply hurt with no way out. One of the abuse incidents was so severe that her traffickers thought that she had died. She was beaten with beer bottles to the point of loosing consciousness, her jaw and skull being broken, being blinded in her right eye and loosing a tooth. He body was driven across the border and just discarded in the middle of nowhere by her captors who believed she was dead. Mary is a FIGHTER and she did NOT die!  She woke up and through a series of divinely appointed connections made it back to a local rehabilitation program. She did a LOT of work to heal and recover.   But, one thing remained: every time she looked at herself in the mirror, she saw the victim. The deformed mouth brought back to the traumatic event that caused the tooth loss and she could not progress.

When we first met her she was shy and barely spoke, she could not drive due to eyesight loss and brain trauma. Fast forward 3 years and we have a brand NEW woman, confident, strong, driving, living on her own, in a healthy relationship, going to school and even writing a BOOK📚 !!!

Her smile rehabilitation was a key in her gaining the ability to break FREE from the impact of her traumatic past and see herself as a woman of value, courage and strength. When she looks at herself in the mirror now she sees a whole new person! She is finally FREE not only from the physical prison, but also from the emotional and mental prison of her past. ⛓️

That IS what is possible with smile rehabilitation!

What, from your past, is holding you back that has you be less than all you are created to be?

Do you want to finally BE free from ALL of that?

Do you want birth into a existence a whole new identity?

Do not wait, do not put it off, your life is NOW.  What is possible for you and your life with a brand new smile, strengthened self esteem, new identity and increased sense of confidence?

More than that, by saying “YES” to ALL that is possible for you, you are offering a gift of that AND more to a woman in need. 10% of all aesthetic (cosmetic) and elective services goes to Inspire Changes to rehabilitate a smile of a trafficking survivor in our own hometown: San Diego.

Call and schedule your FREE cosmetic consultation or make a donation to Inspire Changes.

Both make a HUGE difference!

With love and gratitude,

Dr. Elona ❤️

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