Do great things for others by doing great things for yourself

Published on
January 24, 2025

Dr Elona Gaball and the Inspire Smiles team are committed to giving back by fighting human trafficking of girls and women.

By being a patient with us you are helping! This season we will be using 10% of all revenue from elective aesthetic services toward these efforts.

Here’s how:

By restoring the smiles of women rescued from the sex trafficking trade. We work with the non-profit organization Alabaster Jars ( to connect with recovering survivors. We are currently restoring the smiles of two women, who we will call Jenny and Angela for their privacy. We’ll tell you their stories soon and keep you updated on how they’re doing. The economics of dental care are such that a great deal of the cost of care is in supplies, lab work, staff labor, and other variable and fixed costs beyond the professional fees of the dentist. To cover these costs, we are using 10% of the revenue from any elective aesthetic services we provide.

We are committed to rescuing one victim of human trafficking this year. It costs $3,500 for Operation Underground Railroad ( to rescue one victim. This organization, comprised of former CIA, law enforcement and military operatives specializes in sophisticated rescues. We will likewise make this donation using 10% of revenue arising from elective aesthetic services.

We know you’re as shocked and heart broken as we are over the human trafficking taking place in our community. Therefore we thought you’d want to know that by being a patient at Inspire Smiles, especially if you receive elective aesthetic services, you are doing something for yourself, but also for these girls and women in need.

Patients of Dr. Elona

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