Freedom comes at a (very good) price - Botox Special Pricing Today
Want to be free of forehead wrinkles?
Receive Botox at $6.50/unit for each unit above 25 units at $11/unit.
This is an amazing deal when you consider that the typical price of Botox in this area ranges from $10-12/unit and the average person in San Diego gets 43/unit for a forehand treatment (and Allergan, the manufacturer, recommends over 60 units for full treatment)!
This is a very good option for anyone who has been holding back on fully treating their lines due to cost.
This opportunity is offered only for anyone who schedules an appointment today.
Botox is a safe and very effective way, used my millions of people, to alleviate forehead and "crows feet" wrinkles. The effect lasts about four months per treatment. Injections are performed by a Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon. Fillers are offered as well. Botox can also be used as part of a treatment strategy for headaches or migraines, and TMD disorders.