Play golf on us at Rancho Bernardo Inn’s 18-hole championship golf course and help Alabaster Jars Project continue to make a difference in the lives of domestic survivors of Human Sex Trafficking on Friday August 6th at 11:00 am.
Your participation includes 18 holes of golf, riding cart, lunch, on course drinks, awards and various prizes. There will be a Putting Contest, Silent Auction and Raffle Items on display, education and awareness material prior to tee off!
Each player receives Longest Drive and Closest to the Pin Contests entry, complimentary range balls, 1 free raffle ticket (need not be present to win).
Putting contest on the practice green (Top 3 get to putt for $2500) Longest Drive Contest (Male and Female) Closest to the Pin Contest (Male and Female) Alabaster Jar Project $15K Hole-In-One Challenge Integra Golf - Par 3 Challenge (Prizes received at the hole)
Inspire Smiles is fully sponsoring our participating golfers in this event! All proceeds directly support the mission of Alabaster Jars Project, which empowers women who have survived human trafficking & sexual exploitation in reclaiming their lives.
The Alabaster Jars Project is comprised of two main programs: 1) Grace House, which is a long-term residential home that houses up to six women; 2) A resource center that provides tangible needs of clothing, toiletries, community resources and a peer-led support group.
Your support and participation not only help us make a difference in the lives of these women, but in the global effort to stop human trafficking.
Participation is free and reservations are limited!
Please call our office today at (858) 876-9100 to reserve your spot on our Inspire Smiles Golf Team!