Patient Communication
Our valued dental family,
We sincerely hope you, your families, loved ones and friends are healthy and well. Wehave missed seeing all of you as you are truly our family! We deeply care about you and all that is important to you. We are committed to your oral and overall health and truly desire for all of you to live your lives to the fullest.In response to all of the National, state and local public health announcements, mandates and recommendations by American Dental Association (ADA) and California Dental Association (CDA) we have taken all measures necessary to assure the practice is acting in the best interest of our patients and community.In accordance with ADA/CDA recommendations we are temporarily suspension of all regular scheduled non urgent treatment. The last communication on the issue was received on March15, 2020 requesting a 14 day suspension of non urgent services and no further information is available. We anticipate to resume regular operations on April 7, 2020 per the release of “shelter-in-place” mandate by Gov. Gavin Newsom.
So what CAN we do?
To be in clear communication on the issue the practice IS open. Myself, Elona Gaball, DDS, Chelsea Veal, RDH and Brianna De La Fuente, RDA are at the practice 9am-3pm Monday-Friday available to address your needs. Please contact the practice directly at (858) 876-9100 during those hours.
I am personally standing for your optimal health and well-being. The best way to reach me or if you need to contact us after 3pm is to call or text my personal cell number (858)925-3142. Text is the preferred way for me. I see all of them, I respond to all of them and I can call or text back based on your preference. Chelsea,our amazing hygienist can be reached at (858)431-9539 via her personal cell number. In a medical analogy Chelsea is the equivalent of an RN or a PA to a medical provider. Please reach out to her freely.
Treatment Access:
We are completing all treatment in progress as we don’t want to create emergencies in the future due to unaddressed issues.What constitutes urgent dental need is based on my ability to assess it and make a professional judgement. Please contact me directly to discuss it via the practice number or my personal cell as described above. Everything you believes is important to you IS important to me, please text anytime about anything. I am here to support you to the best of my ability. We need to work together to determine what you may need and how we can best provide you with the necessary care.
At-home Health Support:
We have partnered with the home oral care company called OraCare and will be providing solutions to maintaining your optimal oral health without being able to assist you in person.Please visit for more information. This product is the only product on the market that is clinically shown to kill viruses in the oral cavity. It is currently being tested for being able to destroy COVID-19. We expect the tests to be completed and results available very soon. We will be in communication in a few days on how this can support your health. At this time please call the practice or me directly.
Most dental insurance carries have lessened their restrictions on teledentistry and are providing coverage for assessments, evaluations , information and virtual oral health care support. We are in the process of making this modality available, just need some IT support to have it fully accessible. We anticipate it to be in full operation by April 2020. Elona Gaball, DDS and Chelsea Veal, RDH will be personally providing those services.We are in fully supported in PPE ( personal protective equipment) and even have N95 masks. In an effort to conserve all PPE and strong urges to only utilize N95 masks when truly needed, we need to assess all needs on individual basis. Please contact us directly.
Mobile/Off-site access to care:
We are really proud of Chelsea, our amazing hygienist, for completing her RDHAP ( registered dental hygienist in alternative practice ) training and certification last year. She is fully trained and equipped to provide preventative care outside the practice. We are currently working on mobilizing our services. We will send further communication on that as soon as it becomes available.We will be personally reaching out to everyone one of you via a phone call in an effort to support you as people who truly love and care about you and provide the assistance and support you may need. We are your “dental home” and it is our privilege and responsibility to support your optimal oral health. More than that we truly care about you as members of our community and consider it an honor to be there for you in whatever you believes serves you best.We will be communicating more often via email and providing more information as it becomes available. Fro now, the best way to reach us and for us to communicate with you in a timely manner is for you to call us. Please try not to use email if at all possible, emails are not as personal as we would like to make ourselves available and they are not real time accessible to healthcare providers occupied with patient care.
Misc. Important information:
Most dental practices in the area are actually temporality closed to reduce their operating costs as practices are not able to sustain operations without a source of revenues, which comes form redesign patient care. Our practice has been blessed and we are choosing to come from abundance and be there for our patient family and all in the community at the time of need. If your friends, family, neighbors or anyone else in your communities needs dental or oral health care or support please forward them this email and give them my personal cell number to contact me directly. The number again is (858)925-3142.With love and gratitude,Elona Gaball, DDSOur best regards and well wishes from our most committed team Chelsea, Brianna, Tricia and Andrew. We love you and look forward to seeing you in person soon.