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Transforming The Experience of Dentistry Since 2000

You are a power plant - generate this...

You are a power plant - generate this...

Happy Day of Gratitude!

“Giving Tuesday” (the Tuesday after Thanksgiving) 2022 was the birth of these weekly emails, originating as a commitment I made to write one per week for a year.

I made this commitment while reflecting upon everything for which I was grateful. Fundamentally, this was an unwavering commitment to build connection and deepen our relationship. Today we are almost at the my original “finish line” of 52 emails!

This one is 51 - AND it is not the end: I am removing the finish line!

I now see these emails as part of my “personal stand” (that is, the commitment that I am being - if this phrasing sounds strange to you, good!). My stand is to “Transform the experience of dentistry for patients, dental teams and doctors”. This dream was brought into existence through prayer, inner searching and intense personal development work. Transformation by definition is an act of creation - something being birthed into existence “out of nothing” (that is, not originating from, nor tethered to the past); a complete metamorphosis.

One way we transform the experience is to be KNOWN for our love - in how we relate to people, how much value we provide, how we acknowledge and appreciate them, and how we consider it a true honor and a privilege to be of service. This allows not just the mouth to be healed but also perhaps the mind and heart. This changes those for whom we care, and it also changes us as we commit to love everyone no matter who they may be and “how” they may be.

Another way we transform the experience is in how we work together, support each other and empower those on our team.

A third and equally important way is in how we GIVE BACK. Giving back is how I have transformed my professional experience and how I hope to inspire others to so. Your dental home is a unique practice: we are both a business (Inspire Smiles) and a charitable organization (Inspire Changes) in one place with the same team, with one supporting the other.

My vision is to have our local community participating in contribution to smile rehabilitation of trafficking survivors. What can you do as a patient? You may already be doing it!  Simply come in an enjoy our high quality services and invite others - 10% of our generated resources go to support Inspire Changes. YOU ARE making a difference to those in need in our community simply by taking care of your own health. By doing what you would do anyway for yourself - you are actually doing something to solve a problem of trafficking in San Diego!  If you refer someone else to us, even more so! You can also participate at a higher level by making a tax deductible donation to Inspire Changes. Go to or click the link below.

That IS great news! In the world where we hear a lot of negativity- this is like a breath of fresh air!

More connection, oneness, unity and COMMUNITY!

ALL of that is to say that I AM truly and deeply grateful for each one of YOU. I LOVE and appreciate you and I am honored to be your dentist. Thank you for your trust and commitment to us - we appreciate and value it greatly!

Today, Thanksgiving Day, the Day of Gratitude, we had a truly transformational experience. We participated in Vinyasa of Gratitude with sound healing! We are deeply grateful to Stacy McCarthy ( for hosting and inviting us to this beautiful event. We invited our family, friends, team and some patients (we wish there was room for all of you! We’ll have to work on that!) to join us! It was a beautiful time of connection, peace, rest, healing and LOVE! Stacy taught us to think of SMILE as meaning:

  • S- start
  • M-my
  • I- internal
  • L- love
  • E- engine

It is important to “start” that “engine” because love is the highest vibrational energy! It can permeate the physical world and cause what seems impossible in the natural realm: true miracles!
Consider that YOU can be the generator of this high vibrational energy - like a power plant! A power plant DOES NOT have usable energy - it transforms useless forms of energy into something the community needs.  Do the communities in your life need love?  Generate the energy you want to experience and you want to see more in the world. BE the CHANGE! 𝌡

And it is in your best interest because the world will respond to you in the way the you occur to it.  So your world with become more love filled and it will come back to you.

  • What would the love you generate look like to yourself and others?
  • What would you need to put in place to generate it consistently ?
  • What in your environment either supports you generating it or does not?  

In 2024 we plan to have an Inspire Smiles patient appreciation community event and can’t wait to build even stronger relationships and truly BE a community.

May YOUR day BE truly blessed! May love, joy, peace, compassion, mercy and grace BE your reality and MAY you KNOW that you ARE truly and unconditionally loved.

With love and gratitude ,

Dr. Elona

This email was written by me personally, not a 3rd party, not AI.

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