Our Newsletter

Transforming The Experience of Dentistry Since 2000

Dental benefits - Use or lose - Schedule filling quickly - Call!

Dental benefits - Use or lose - Schedule filling quickly - Call!

Happy Sunday!

For anyone using 3rd party Dental Benefits Plans (aka “dental insurance”*) Your annual dental benefits WILL run out at the end of 2023! This is a "USE it or LOOSE it" situation! Your benefits DO NOT roll over and often don’t renew with the same access to benefits the next year.

With the holidays approaching and many patients seeking to use their benefits toward treatment before the end of the year, space in our schedule getting booked up. We don’t want you to miss out, so call us!

Now, you may not know whether you are due for preventative care, whether or not you have unscheduled treatment that you need to have done, or even whether or not you have annual benefits from your plan provider available to be used.  Wherever you are in your understanding of these things, no problem! We’ve got your back! Just call us and we will help bring clarity.

As a courtesy our amazing Treatment and Scheduling Coordinators Beth and Carolina will also be reaching out to those who have unscheduled treatment or unused preventative care visits and remaining benefits by personalized phone calls, emails and texts. Please respond to them when they reach out: we don’t want you to be left behind!  However, you don't need to wait for their call, take control and call us first!

And don't expect your dental plan provider to help remind you to take advantage or your unused benefits.  The “Dental insurance” business model is to have enrollees (ie, you or your employer) pay premiums and then not pay the benefits.  On average dental plans pay 50-60% of premiums on actual benefits, leaving the dental benefits plans with 40-60% of the unused funds!  This is perhaps why, for example, Delta Dental was able to pay its CEO $14.3 million in compensation in 2016.

Again, we have limited availability on both my, and Aubrey’s (our MOST amazing dental hygienist) schedules before year's end - so call!  (858) 876-9100.

I love and appreciate you and look forward to seeing you soon.

With love and gratitude, Dr. Elona

*we put "dental insurance" in quotation marks because dental benefit plan, or what you thought was your "insurance," is not actually an insurance and this is a source of great confusion and upsets for many people - see email from October 29th for more.

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